20 November 2013

Loreto to La Paz Adventure

Santiago, Marcos & Ginni recently returned from the first Loreto to La Paz adventure of the season.  This is the classic Sea of Cortez trip and one of our most popular.  The next three Loreto to La Paz trips are full and we're currently booking the 2014 November 17th-26th trip.  Check out some of the photos!!

Great sailing conditions on the trip

An interesting treasure along the way


02 November 2013

Carmen Island Circumnavigation

Our season kicked off this year with an intense 5-day BCU 4 Star Sea Leader Training in Loreto & San Carlos with a diverse group of 9 Mexican & American paddlers.  Just two days later Santiago Berrueta departed, in the pouring rain, for a 10-day Carmen Island Expedition.  Once the rain stopped and the sun came back out, they had a great trip with pictures to prove it.